
Sulaman Asghar

Frontend Developer

Frontend developer with a passion for creating beautiful and functional user interfaces. Based in Lahore, Pakistan


About one and half year ago, after completing my bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Mathematics, I became interested in developing websites and interfaces. Since then, I have been steadily improving my skills. Now I am developing websites and web applications to order or for myself.

My skills





React js

Next js

My work

ViiEes web

React & styled-component

This project, I have created for ViiEes production by using React js and styled-components for styling

Current site

Nextjs & SCSS

That's the current project, I created this to showcase my portfolio by using Nextjs and sass/scss for styling

Form validation

Nextjs, Tailwind, formik & yup

Motive of this project is to practice form validations. In this project i've use formik and yup